Thursday, June 25, 2009

Garlic, garlic, garlic, garlic, garlic...

My nostrils tingled and eyes watered. Windows were opened wide. Doors were shut to contain the smell. Fresh, clean clothes waiting near my ovens in the to-be-ironed pile were evacuated from site. Today was garlic roasting day.

Two hours preparing eight pounds of fresh garlic for the hot ovens with my sister. Peeling, cutting, drizzling with oil... Thirty to forty minutes of roasting/scenting the house. A couple hours of cooling and letting the breath taking aroma dissipate to a strong but tolerable level. A few more hours of removing cloves from their oily skins. It was a lesson in patience and perseverance.
Now the soft and roasted garlic is in the freezer. Three bags will be dug out tomorrow to find their home in Roasted Garlic Bread. The rest will remain until summoned for the same purpose.

A day full of garlic. Let's hope this stash lasts a good, long while!

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