Monday, November 2, 2009

October 3rd, 2009 -- Saturday

Duluth! This beautiful old town perched on the hills along Minnesota's north shore of Lake Superior is one of my favorite places in all the world. From my earliest memories Duluth and the gorgeous state parks that surround it have been the destination of many a family vacation. Somehow these later years have slipped by with not a sight of this area of my home state. It was high time we visited again!

Highest on our list of vacation must-does was rest. Yet there were a few things we wanted to see and do. Drive to our old haunts in the state parks, explore and find something new, watch the famous bridge lift to let massive iron ore ships pass underneath, and visit a farmers' market.

When Saturday rolled around excitement was high. The farmers' market Mom and I had found on the internet was scheduled for every Saturday morning. Soon we would see how they did things at the northern markets. Plus we would get a little taste of what it is like to be on the other side of the tables.

No tents were needed here! A barn roof covered the heads of all the vendors. Here Mom found the house plant for which she has been searching - Baby Tears.

What fun to visit with the vendors! There is so much creativity among this hard working group.

While sales went on indoors, this man made fresh apple juice. That tangy drink goes hand in hand with crisp, autumn days.
Though glad for a break from the hectic schedule and uncooperative weather of farmers' marketing, this visit put fresh zeal in me for sales next year. Farmers' markets run deep within my blood!

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