My second day of baking gluten free bread. Hmm... Three different versions. #1 -- Good, but did it taste a little yeasty/winy? I think it over-proofed (raised). #2 -- The honey I added was a bit strong. I'd like to taste a less sweet and more salty bread. #3 -- The addition of flax meal adds a delicious flavor.
January 27, 2010
Second day taste test results. #1 -- A little bland. It is staying nice and moist! #2 -- Wonderful texture! Moist, non-crumbly, and not so dense. #3 -- Good, but I think I would quickly tire of the rich flax flavor. Maybe using less flax would make both a delicious and nutritious bread.
A few days later--
The loaves are still moist and holding together!
February 3, 2010
Three more gluten free experiments. #1 -- Less sugar, more salt. Yes, flavor is much more like normal bread. #2 -- Now that I have egg replacer, I may as well add that as the original recipe says. Does it make a difference? Not that I can tell. #3 -- Left out the egg. Hmm... I love the flavor - the most "wheaty" gluten free bread I've made. Texture is compromised, though - dense and tough.
February 4, 2010
Yesterday's loaves are holding up well.
February 8, 2010
Can I get an eggless bread with better texture? Not with today's two experiments.
February 11, 2010
Once again I dug out the army of gluten free ingredients. More experimenting with eggless and egg-yolkless bread. Also tried one with no milk powder.
February 15, 2010
A drive to Fargo to pick up gluten free ingredients. A short visit with the store manager was helpful.
February 18, 2010
Gluten free garlic toast - yum! A great way to use up some of the multiplying loaves of not-quite-right bread.
If you are interested in learning about some of my experiments in gluten free sourdough baking, also free of milk, eggs and yeast, check out my blog:
Thank you, Sharon! I look forward to exploring your finds.
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