Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Cook, the Baker and the Tray Maker?

A few weeks ago I received some calls from a sweet, elderly lady in our community. 'Could you please bake three Pumpkin Pecan Bread loaves, slice them, and butter 36 pieces for November 17th? And what could I add to it to make a nice afternoon lunch for the weekly senior citizens' get together? Crackers and cheese? Okay.' So this baker, turned consultant/caterer, got busy.

The 17th came and I began slicing and buttering. Then came the challenge. How can I make this bread ready to serve without using one of our own dishes?

Digging out the cardboard-scraps box from my family's treasure closet filled with games, miscellane-ous craft items (most of them as cheap as this cardboard), and other odds and ends, I knew I had my answer. Mixed with a little freezer paper and tape, this cardboard would make the perfect disposable tray.

36 slices of bread ready to go! These maybe don't make the most elegant serving trays, but they definitely work well in a pinch!

Whew! I made it through my first job as baker/consultant/caterer/tray maker.

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